Toolbox Talk [Team Briefing Form]

Toolbox Talk [Team Briefing Form]

Brief your team on site specific hazards, allow them a forum to to voice their concerns and put it all down on paper.

OHS Regulation has a mandatory requirement for Employee Consultation.  Use this Toolbox Talk or Team Briefing form to consult your employees on specific issues or hazards. Write down the hazards on the form that all personnel need to be aware of, explain it to them during a briefing and have them sign the top section to ensure they have understood.  Give your employees a voice during the briefing as they are the ones who will best know what hazards are out on site and how to avoid them. Conduct these Toolbox Talks weekly or sooner to ensure your commitment to employee safety.

$9.95 (includes a 0.00% discount)

First published: 2010-04-18
Last updated: 2010-04-18